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Simone Biles’s Critics Miss the Bigger Story of Bodily Abuse
Some see the Olympic gymnast as a self-serving athlete. But her withdrawal from competition is a model for how to honor rather than disdain our bodies.
I Can’t Quit My Evangelical Heritage. Neither Can You.
What exvangelicals teach us about our religious roots.
A Requiem for the Twitter I Once Knew
The social media platform has birthed key movements and conversations. Here’s what I’ll miss if it dies or changes form.
Make the Internet Modest Again
We gained an audience but overexposed our souls.
Feasting and Fellowship in the Age of Food Allergies
Eating can be a source of fellowship—but in a fallen and allergy-ridden world, it can also present challenges.
Dads: Put Down the Shotguns and Let Your Daughters Go
Scripture portrays young women not as their fathers’ pets but as pillars in God’s kingdom.
The Masculinity Debate Needs Johnny Cash
America’s young men are disaffected and lonely. But lack of manliness is not the problem.
A Seminary Room of Her Own
Historically, evangelicals have been ahead of the curve in women’s education and also way behind it. My pursuit of an MDiv is now part of that mixed legacy.
This Giving Season, Offer the Poor a Pew
Church structures and schedules often make it hard for the working class to participate. Let's change that.
Barbie and Ken Go East of Eden
For Christians, Greta Gerwig’s latest film is an opportunity to reckon with the “fortunate fall.”
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